Keep up with useful web dev tips and follow my progress on building Craftsman.
Building an Event Driven .NET Application: Integration Testing
Distributed Systems
The third post in the Building an Event Driven .NET Application series where dive into integration testing our producers and consumers.
Paul DeVito
Simplifying User and Role Based Permissions in .NET
Let's take a look at the current state of permissions and authorization in .NET and see how we can extend it just slightly for a huge benefit.
Craftsman v0.12 is out with .NET 6 scaffolding and more!
Craftsman v0.12 is out with .NET 6 scaffolding, in memory authorization server scaffolding, and lots of optimizations and improvements!
Using Duende BFF with React
Let's explore how to set up Duende BFF and integrate it with a React application!
Craftsman v0.10 - .NET 5 Event Scaffolding, Spectre Console, and More!
This new release for Craftsman brings event driven scaffolding to your .NET projects (and a ton more)!
Building an Event Driven .NET Application: Setting Up MassTransit and RabbitMQ
This is the second post in the Building an Event Driven .NET Application series. In this post, we’ll see how we can set up our MassTransit bus to send message to and receive messages from RabbitMQ.
Building an Event Driven .NET Application: The Fundamentals
This is the first post in the Building an Event Driven .NET Application series where we’ll lay the foundation for your event driven knowledge moving forward.
.NET Core Integration Tests using a Sql Server Database in Docker
Let's make our integration tests more reliable by dynamically spinning up a database in Docker that mimics production and makes your project easy to test on any dev box.