Consumer Template

The template for the file used when adding a message bus to a project using the `add:consumer`, `add:bc`, or `new:domain` commands.

Add Consumer Template Properties

EndpointRegistrationMethodNameYesA deliberately long name to try and promote readability. This is a string that will determine the name of the method used to register the consumer inside MassTransit.None
ConsumerNameYesA string that determines the name of the consumer.None
MessageNameYesA string that determines the name of the message the consumer will, well, consume!None
QueueNameYesA string that determines the name of the queue that you want this particular consumer to be linked to for getting messages.None
ExchangeNameYesA string that determines the name of the exchange that this consumer will be tied to. Note that this should match exchange name in the producer that you want this to be linked to.None
ExchangeTypeNoThe type of exchange you want to use. This can be set to fanout, direct, or
RoutingKeyNoA string value that determines the routing key that you want to use if you are working with a direct or topic exchange. This can be excluded for fanout exchanges.None
IsQuorumNoA boolean that determines whether or not you want to use a quorum queue. This is generally recommended as a best practice.true
IsLazyNoA boolean that determines whether or not you want to use a lazy queue. This is generally recommended as a best practice. Generally, these can be disabled if you require really high performance, if the queues are always short, or if you have set a max-length policytrue
UsesDbNoA boolean that determines whether ot not the scaffolded consumer feature will inject the db context in the project.true

When adding consumers to an existing project, be sure to run the add:bus command if you don't already have a message bus in your project. This bus command should be completed before running an add:consumer command.

Add Consumer Template Examples

Adding a Consumer with Your Domain or Bounded Context

In this example, we're adding a message bus, consumer, message, and producer to our project. Notice how the exchange and message names match between the producer and the consumer.

DomainName: WeSendReportsCompany
- Name: ISendReportRequest
  - Name: ReportId
    Type: guid
  - Name: Provider
    Type: string
  - Name: Target
    Type: string
- SolutionName: Reporting
  - EndpointRegistrationMethodName: SubmitReportRequest
    ExchangeName: report-requests
    MessageName: ISendReportRequest
    ExchangeType: fanout
    ProducerName: ReportWasRequested
    UsesDb: true
  - EndpointRegistrationMethodName: AllReportsGetSentFromHereEndpoint
    ConsumerName: SenderOfAllReports
    ExchangeName: report-requests
    MessageName: ISendReportRequest
    QueueName: all-reports
    ExchangeType: fanout
    AddBus: true
  # additional new:domain properties here

Adding a Consumer to an Existing Project

If you've already created your Wrapt project and want to add one or more consumers after the fact, you can use the add:consumer command to pass through one or more consumers to your project. Make sure you have a message bus already in your project. If you don't have a bus, you add one with the add:bus command.

This particular example will add consumers using a direct exchange.

- EndpointRegistrationMethodName: EmailReportsEndpoint
  ConsumerName: EmailConsumer
  ExchangeName: report-requests
  MessageName: ISendReportRequest
  QueueName: email-reports
  ExchangeType: direct
  RoutingKey: email
- EndpointRegistrationMethodName: FaxReportsEndpoint
  ConsumerName: FaxConsumer
  ExchangeName: report-requests
  QueueName: fax-reports
  MessageName: ISendReportRequest
  ExchangeType: direct
  RoutingKey: fax
  IsLazy: false
  IsQuorum: false

If you wanted to do a topic exchange, it might look like this:

- EndpointRegistrationMethodName: CloudReportsEndpoint
  ConsumerName: CloudConsumer
  ExchangeName: report-requests
  QueueName: cloud-reports
  MessageName: ISendReportRequest
  ExchangeType: topic
  RoutingKey: public.*